Garmin Striker 4 plus CV


New member
Hi Guys

Wondering if any of you had the same issue and how do I fix it.

Mounted my striker 4 plus cv and haven't been to the water yet but I noticed when turning the unit on it shows the depth at 2.6m.

I measured from the floor to the transducer and that is 61cm.

Is there a away to set the depth from the transducer to the floor, or will it be fine when in water?



New member
No its not in demo, it says simulation mode off.

If I swung my foot under the transducer it picked it up and would show at 2.3m or 2.2m


dont think anything is wrong with the unit some of the transducers must be in the water to work properly
i wont worry if i were you


The unit measures the return speed of the sound waves it sends out, and sound in water vs sound in air are very, very different. You'll have to check it in the water but they are excellent little units and I'm damn sure there will be nothing wrong with it.