
New member
This is at Kunene. At about 11:00 am some of us wanted to gooi some sardinha as that was our preferred method back home. Very quickly there was a small competition between the spinners and the bait guys. We (the bait guys) took it by a small margin but the spinners reckon otherwise. The reason you spin mostly in Angola is because of this mostly. The kolsterte are in abundance!


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New member
I lost my Note 4 on the second day when 3 of the guys each landed a big elf at the same time. I took a photo of the occasion and distracted by all the chaos and excitement and laughter i put my phone in my trouser pocket and immediately started wading deeper to start casting again. Needless to say the Note 4 didnt make it with all my photos of some precious moments.


New member
what an amazing journey((goodp_::slr::(ni(ce(fish)( i have never experianced a story like your - you made me feel every part of this wonderfull trip!!! Big ups to you


New member
Also i want to use this opportunity to thank oom Kenny for being a great trip leader. Some decisions not popular with some had to be made by someone even before the trip and oom Kenny took it in his stride to be that guy and handled it all with excellence. Thanks for supplying us with both of your 4x4's and all the other equipment you supplied to the trip. Thanks for the singing and guitar shows and your sense of humour that lightened the mood many a time. Thanks for all of the research that you did and how you kept us in the loop regarding everything before the trip. It didn't go unnoticed and was appreciated by each and everyone of us.

Also thanks to Carlos Moran for being a great great guide. On the first day of fishing i had a terrible morning. Wind-knots galore and eyes breaking on rod and getting stuck on the rock banks. Carlos must have tied leader to my braid about 7 times that morning. I can do it but he is just a million times faster. And not once did i pick up any irritation or anything. He tied the leader, gave me a beer and said "Ok now you take a beer out of the coolbox, open it, pour one sip to the mermaids and then down the beer". By this point everyone caught a good few fish and i was on 0. Carlos then passed me a white seal point 2oz chisel nose plug and said go cast there and pointed. First cast and i was one with my first of the day. I finished second for the day just behind Gerhard. Thanks for all the tips and tricks Carlos!!!

Last but not least, thanks to Mr. Rikko Sakko for building a stunning lodge in the middle of nowhere where all fishermen want to go for the experience of a lifetime and are not let down at any moment by anything once you arrive at the lodge. Great great service and no hiccups along the way. Thanks a million.


Ek het kenny ontmoet toe hy met die sealine kersvader charity gedagte visstokke en katrolle na pe gebring het wat ek vir minderbevoorregte mense gaan gee het van pe tot op george...uit aard van die saak sal ons skepper so ou soos hy seen....dit se alles oor hom...goeie gelowige ou met hart van goud....jy kon nie saam beter ou getravel het nie..._seal1_


A huge thx for sharing this trip with us.
I'm in awe and plan to do this sooon. Jong ek skollie sommer 'n trip met julle in 2018.

Magnificent report and pics of a life time.

I'm blessed by what you guys shared...Be blessed over and over..._seal1_ ((goodp_::tight:


Senior Member
Had a call from Rico Sakko yesterday, owner of Flamingo. He thanked us for the report and for this wonderful platform!!

What a great guy!! It is in fact us who must thank you sir!!



Senior Member
Thanks for your comments and feedback guys...much appreciated!!

Next trip planned and booked for May and June 2018.

This time we will try to do it even better.

2 Days Flamingo, 2 Days dessert, 2 days Kunene, and then 3 days North of Namibe on the new fishing grounds which were discovered and fished by the "Hier Gaan Ons Alweer" team on their recent trip. I managed to get the exact co-ordinates.



New member
Kenny baie baie dankie vir die report, is juis Feb oppad na daai geweste om een van die "bucket List" af te te merk. Sien nou nog meer uit na die trip na die verslag!!!


Senior Member
Jy is baie welkom. Dankie vir die post. Jy gaan jou gate uit geniet. Hierdie is 'n ervaring wat elke ernstige hengelaar ten minste eenkeer in sy lewe moet deurgaan.

Onthou ook die volgende asb:- (Klink miskien nie so belangrik nie, maar dit is!!)

1. In Namibia (Ligte aan in die dag en hou by spoedgrens en dra sitplek gordels)
2. In Angola (Ligte af in die dag, hulle gaan jou roskam of laat betaal as dit aan is, hou by spoedgrens en sitplek gordels aan!!)
3. In woestyn (Sandpenne en windbande vir die tente) Die wind kan geniepsig raak.
4. Maak doodseker van die getye as julle deur die Doodsakker gaan. Begin gedurende die laaste uur terwyl die gety nog besig is om te sak, anders gaan julle gevang word.

Ek is nie nou 'n kenner nie....maar sal graag my bietjie ervaring deel as julle dit wil gebruik. Het my nommer vir jou ge PM

Groete en Stywe lyne



New member
Sal beslis onthou oor die ligte, die penne ens is klaar reg, net afstof as ek by die huis kom. Sal beslis so maak met die gety vir die d/akker.

Ek bel jou sodra ek by die huis is, weereens baie dankie!