Light Tackle Artificial Angling - Part 3


I have actually been thinking of it since I started doing it, but then I'll have to go into even more detail, and every second person will look for something to drill me about. I don't know if I want that. At this stage I'm sharing with friends at no cost, the minute you charge 1c people expect miracles.....

I'll first finish the Sealine Family version, and then maybe give it some more thought.


New member
Hello neilg

I want to thank you for the most info and advice I recieved since I started the sport of Rock & Surf angling last year June. You cover all the basis I needed answers on. We guys from inland who grew up next to rivers and dams are taken for a ride from day one when you walk into a saltwater tackelshop, they see us comming from a mile away. My point is I spent thousends ons tackle, rods, reels ect. even have a box for just all my lures. but I am yet 2 catch a decent size fish. I fish all along the north coast sometimes twice a month but with nobody to help it is also learning by trail and error.

I really appreciate the info you share on sealine and It makes blokes like me sommer lus to go and try everything.



I agree with all the commments, great article Neil, you've inspired me!! now it's off to the tackle shop


I used to like to stand in the tackle shops and then I listen to what the sales people tell the customers, and I promise you, ALOT of the times the "desperate" anglers are taken for a ride. All that angler wants is to catch fish, and the shops take the oppertunity to rip the desperate anglers off.
It's ofcourse not the case in every shop, but I have experienced it in MOST SHOPS.
It's a case of sell the junk that no experienced angler will buy first, cause as this "new" angler gains experience he/she will come back and buy newer, better and more expensive equipment. From a financial perspective it makes sense, they make more money cause they sell more, from a moral perspective, it does not make sense.

I have spent hours in shops helping customers make the right choice, people that I have never met before that moment, and have never seem most again afterwards. I normally ask a person what they want to do and what budget they have. I will then show them what is available in that price range, show them what is better aswell (just so that they know). Hell I've helped people kit them out from having NOTHING to everything they need (and why). I've never gotton a cent from ANY SHOP for doing that.

SHARING IS CARING - to everyone that I've "helped" with my articles, do me a favour, help someone else ... and ask them to do the same ! It will make this world a much better place.

I'm not a great supporter of PENNY WISE AND POUND STUPID, I always tell people to buy the best they can afford.

From the sales persons perspective, first it's commision and second they are all not all knowing and third they tell you whats "best" based on what they sell the most. In their mind if they sell 200% more pink rapalas they believe that it must be great - because they sell so much more ...

I've gotton into arguments in shops when I simply lose my cool (because of not allowing people to be taken for a ride.), some people take the advice and some don't. I will help anyone where and when I can, it's up to them what they choose to do with the advice I've given.

My wife always tell me that I can't help everyone, and it's true, but if I can help 1 person a month I've helped 12 people for the year, if they do the same, and so on imagine how many people can get helped over a few years...

as for catching "decent" fish. if you set your standards low you won't be dissappointed so easily. I enjoy catching fish, big or small. Most of them are small, and over time you get a big one every now and then, and it's a bonus.

I enjoy it more catching a 5kg fish on 5kg line than I enjoy catching a 5kg fish on 15kg line.

Remember something, NOTHING beats local knowledge ! Don't go fishing and end up talking to nobody, speak to the people around you, be friendly, ask them what works and what doesn't, ask them the "best times", MAKE FRIENDS. YOU WANT SOMETHING BE NIIIICE. Don't base your fishing on what the local anglers tell you, but use it as a guideline. NEVER JUDGE A FELLOW ANGLER. If that person does something "wrong" offer advice or guidance. It's not just about catching fish, it's also about having fun, and it's much more fun catching fish with "friends" !